Channel: Surinder Films
Category: Entertainment
Tags: jishu scenes ghare and bairekoel mallick ghare and bairekoel mallick movie sceneghare and baire movie scenesghare baire movie scenejishu senguptaghare and baireghare nad baire moviekoel mallickjishu ghare and bairefunny movie scene ghare and baireghare and baire koel mallickghare and baire full movieলাবণ্য নাকি মেয়েলী! ghare and bairemovie scene ghare and baireghare and baire movie funny sceneghare and baire movie sceneghare and baire scenes
Description: Film : Ghare And Baire Director : Mainak Bhaumik Starring : Jisshu Sengupta, Koel Mallick, Biswanath, Aparajita Adhya and others. Music : Anupam Roy Additional Songs and Score : Savvy Presenter : Nispal Singh Produced by : Surinder Films Subscribe: Like us on: Follow us on: Follow us on: #koelmallick #ghareandbaire #surinderfilms